cat rescue in bedford-stuyvesant, brooklyn

Hi, I’m Nicole!

I’m a TNR-certified independent rescuer based in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn who has been rescuing cats and kittens from backyards, front yards, sidewalks, parking lots, and abandoned buildings since 2020. My goal is to help every cat I meet live his or her best life — safe, warm, and preferably in someone's lap! When that isn't possible, I arrange spay/neuter and vaccination services, and ensure that the cats have a regular, reliable feeder and a secure place to go in inclement weather via trap-neuter-return-monitor. I also provide resources to community members and work to help families keep their pets.

What is TNR?

TNR, or TNRM stands for trap-neuter-return-monitor. It is a widely-practiced method of controlling feral (or unsocialized) cat populations in cities like New York, where I live! TNR involves humanely trapping groups of community cats, called “colonies,” for spay/neuter and vaccination. The cats are then returned to their outdoor homes, where members of the community feed and look out for them throughout their lives.

You can learn more about TNR and how to get involved via the links on my resources page.